Meet Our Founder

Paul Cappiali

Paul Cappiali began volunteering for St. Roch’s Raffle in 2006. In 2008, he was named Raffle Chairman. In this role, Paul studied the charitable gaming laws of Connecticut and worked closely with the Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection’s Charitable Gaming Division. He recognized the opportunity for St. Roch’s Raffle to help other parishes, both in Connecticut and across the country. Paul has worked tirelessly to understand and manage the raffle according to all non-profit, religious and tax-related regulations, in order for it to expand legally and continue to deliver needed revenue for the participating parishes. He proposed meticulously crafted revisions to Connecticut's charitable gaming laws, aiming to eliminate ambiguity and ensure this raffle could withstand rigorous legal scrutiny. The Connecticut Attorney General recognized Paul's contribution and seamlessly integrated his language into a bill. This bill, with Paul's exact wording, garnered unanimous support in both houses and became law in July 2023. Paul formally launched Catholic Parish Initiatives in 2023. In addition to overseeing this organization, Paul is also a sales executive at Empire Merchants LLC, an import distributor of fine wines and spirits. His community involvement includes long-time membership and volunteering at St. Roch’s. He was a trustee of the church from 2018-2020, and is ordained as a Eucharistic Minister. A Greenwich native, Paul has previously served as an elected member of the Greenwich Representative Town Meeting; he currently serves as the Harbor Master for the Town of Greenwich. He lives in town with his wife and two children.

Board of Directors

We operate with integrity, always responsive and forthcoming. Our Board represents ecclesiastical, legal and philanthropic interests:

Paul Cappiali

Cleric Director 1
Rev. Carl D. McIntosh
Pastor St. Roch Church Greenwich, CT

Cleric Director 2
Rev. Juan Jose Esteves
Currently studying in Rome

Frank Cortese
Operations Manager at New England Oil.

“Our work enriches us spiritually and strengthens our extended Catholic family.”

Sen. Ryan Fazio
Ranking Member: Planning & Development. Ranking Member: Energy & Technology Committee. Caucus Chair for Policy.

Anthony J. Medico, Esq.
Attorney Trial Referee/Fact Finder/Arbitrator for the Connecticut Superior Court

Peter Maloney
Former Director of Catholic Charities of Fairfield